Xinjiang Mongolia Tour

Mongolia is a mysterious country that owns a vast land with an area almost as large as Xinjiang but only 3 million people living there which is only about 1/10 of the total population of Xinjiang. When it comes to the vast country, the first 2 things comes to people’s minds are usually boundless grasslands and desolate deserts. However, it may beyond your imagination, there are some awesome places to appreciate the high level bullet and opera performance in Ulan Bato, like the State Opera and Ballet Theater. Many well-known artists and dancers have performed there.

There are vast grasslands in the east of Mongolia, where to appreciate the best sunrise and sunset in the world. Gobi and deserts are in the south where to challenge yourself to have adventures and discover the desolate area. Crossing the Altai mountain range you will be in Xinjiang, China, so the scenery in the west of Mongolia is quite similar with Xinjiang where to find many beautiful mountains, forest and lakes!

Depart from Xinjiang and arrive in Mongolia by going through the Takesh Ken Pass, you will be amazed by the stunning natural scenery, the unique nomadic lifestyle and the splendid vestiges of Mongolian Empire!

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