The Extraordinary Scenery In Xinjiang

Posted: June 12th 2017

The crustal movement, the changing climate, the water scour and even the erosion caused by sunshine have all contributed to today's magnificent landscapes of Xinjiang. The Wucaiwan, or “Five-Colored Bay”, is dazzling. The silicified wood is miraculous. The drift lakes are rare to be seen elsewhere. The half-black-half-white hill is unique. The grand canyon in Tianshan Mountain is precipitous. The fractured zone at Funyun is gigantic. The “Heavenly Gate” at Atushi is marvelous. The rock resembling the Avalokitesvara Buddha is vivid. And the shape of the “Great Man Hill” at Tacheng looks exactly like the figure of late Chairman Mao Zedong, who is resting in peace in his memorial hall on Beijing's Tian'anmen Square.

Having witnessed these extraordinary scenes, you'll understand how powerful and skillful Nature can be.

But of course, extraordinary Xinjiang have a lot more than these grotesque stone carvings.

The extraordinary Bayinbluk is like a fairytale, where the carpet like grassland is studded by herds of horses and cattle, surrounded by looming mountains, and with rivers winding through it like colorful ribbons. The zigzagging river on the endless prairie makes gorgeous scenery. Near the tranquil high-land lakes here, you can spot various kinds of birds such as swans, wild geese, terns, egrets and holy eagles.

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The extraordinary Yili is reputed as “another Jiangnan city beyond the Great Wall”.(“Jiangnan” in Chinese refers to the area around the lower reach of the Yangtze River, which is known for rich water resource, well-designed gardens and delicate natural landscapes.) Yili River runs westward moistening the vast territory. Gongnaisi Grassland stretches all the way to the horizon, where come the heroic horse riders. The air at Tangbula smells much fresher than anywhere else with the intoxicating scenery. The plants at the “Wild Orchard” are all the rare species. Great mountains are found one behind another at Guozigou, or “Fruit Valley”, leaving visitors wondering how magnificent the land is . And, in Huiyuan Ancient Town , the ring bell at dawn and the drum sound at dusk remind people of a familiar but remote lifestyle.

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